Fading Twilight,Dwindling hope,
When did we get
This far off of
That beaten path?
Breathless, we follow
Our instincts,
Nothing but smiles
And goofy words,
It's as if we aren't
Lost in the first
Place, it's as if
We didn't get left
Behind by the
Hand in hand,
Let's leave this
Rising sun,
Lifted spirits,
Nothing around
But us and the
Old trees that
Surround our
Makeshift home,
The sun smiling
Down on us
As well,
Secret happenings
Left behind in
A forest made
Just for those
Castaways from
The 'Real World'
When you think
About it,
Maybe there's
A reason we were
Forsaken by such
A creature,
Our hopes now
Up, and our
Hands clasped,
Don't Say it,
I already know.
~Kaitlin Platti~
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