You will turn criminal
You will turn criminal
Disregard for man, woman and animals
No more fear of God,
May make other people blind by putting hot rod
We are such thankless creature
We want to make everything sure
No sympathy whatsoever for fellow brethren
Only occupied with own concern
Only cruel weapon God has
That worry is always seen on face
Death deters person from doing evil
He knows result is on anvil
He has to give complete account
When pressure mounts
Not here but in another world
Where it is entirely different fold
Initially you are wrongly drawn
So long it is not made known
When everything is before you crystal clear
You develop little worry and fear
We are hundred percent sure and know
Any time life can be in danger and go
No means to stop that disaster
As some one else is the master
You may feel great for time being
As you might have ascended as kind
The whole world may seem to be in your grip
But you won’t know when it may go out of your hand or slip
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