Sad queen
I have named her as sad queen
She is in bad mood and happiness is not seen
I loved to touch her barren mind
I hoped some oasis of sweet kind
She is very good at heart
Sticks to religious views and looks smart
It is her way of looking at object
I must understand her before out rightly reject
I found she has heart but refuses to beat
It is afraid to bear any more heat
For hours she may be confined to seat
Thinks about the coming days to greet
She is tragedy queen if I may call
She has seen ugly world after all
She was forbidden to avail happiness
You can find worry and wrinkles on her face
I read different hidden lines
She has glitter in her eyes even though hides or confines
I try to read deeply in her eyes with eagerness
She gave consent to probe and trace
I am no flirt or woman monger
But some how I am very much eager
To read face lines and touch the weak nerve
It helps me to read correctly and observe
I tend to fall in sweet lines
Flow with tragic events sometimes
This brings me closer to individual
It works as healing touch and not adding as fuel
As I was referring about tragic sad queen
She is now completely changed and happily seen
She has known the world very closely and followed
But nothing has changed her mind or allowed
She is there for all the praise
I don’t put questions or raise
She replies calmly and to the point
There is truth and only truth without any guilt
I have developed some soft corner
I don’t how when fruits it will bear
But in desert also you can expect shower
This can be enjoyed and seen by fewer
We are all human being and need affection
Every move on our part speaks of some action
Either it may borne out of anger or frustration
Or considerably influenced by strong relation
I wish it should rain and bring some respite
The life had been made hell with struggle and fight
It had offered no result and on the contrary made to suffer
I thought she needed helping hand with very good offer
Life may move on and so the time may pass
We may loose the face but stand among class
The struggle is part of our life and must be endured
The position at any cost must be availed or secured
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