I again suffered with shock treatment
It was disheartening and bad statement
I was denied prestigious membership
It was deliberate and intended to aground the ship
How come after writing thousands of articles?
One can comment against set principles
There is room for improvement at all the levels
Person is afforded a chance to excel
With all praises and comments on high notes
One is getting ready for moving in new slots
It is elevation and recognition of good service
As poetry progresses with very good promise
I have yet to think seriously on the issue
I have reader friends who sent periodical reviews
It is so heartening to note with lots of respect
I again leave this to the wisdom and introspect
The poetry is all about conveying strong intent
The pen is so empowered to suitable comment
The message is well received by and understood
It is reflection in mirror and serves as natural food
One should not be deterred by discouragement
It is always there and there is deliberate movement
One may be pulled down with adverse comment
Writer should always concentrate and read the comments
It has disappointed but not crashed me down
There may be faults here and there of my own
I can take vow to improve upon and render best service
Writer should not stop at any time till his demise
If the poetry gains little ground for any cause
It is always welcome step because
The purpose is well served and appreciated
Peace and harmony prevails without being further vitiated
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