Black marketers
We had heard enough of black marketers
At least they provided in need so thousand cheers
How much careful planning they have to make?
It is not simple game of hoarding and like sweet cake
At tremendous personal risk some of the things are stored
All possibilities in open market is explored
All statistical data and short comings taken into consideration
Bribery offered at all levels to raise no eye brows or questions
There is enough of profit and generation of black money
Amassing of wealth is ok but in excess seems very funny
Lots of ill will and curse of poor hits their belly
Though all acts seem avoidable and can be termed very silly
So long the wealth is confined to country it is still not disgraceful
They may have full tact to hide and hold it as successful
It is directly affecting the national economy
So many dangers have to be faced within and out side as enemy
The liberation of entire universe from clutches was noble aim
How much we have achieved it is now in anybody’s power to claim
The official patronage and secrecy is provided for such wealth
How poorly we are advocating the state of poor nation’s health?
We are neutral in the sense that we do not divulge the information
Whether it is legal or illegal has no bearing or any relation
It is allowed from other countries and good for sound economy
Indirectly it is help to the corroborators and friendly enemy
We feel no shame and act worst than the black marketers
National wealth is siphoned off illegally to lie with foreign bankers
This may be used as back door strategy for unseen invasion
Building of huge palaces and empires at the cost of collusions
How best way it is done to desecrate the national image!
Millions die hungry and autocrats, politicians amass and manage
Almost no penalty for their treacherous and traitor’s act
Almost all countries face the same as matter of fact
We may not appreciated as esteemed and deserved race
The country as such will be named bankrupt with shamed face
It will never come back to the claim of original country
One side it may worsen the situation and add to worry
In olden days the black marketers, hoarders and law breakers were paraded in open
They were to be deterred or barred from performing it again
But since they have now earned political patronage and shield
Enough power rests with them and so much influence they try to yield
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