Far beyond horizon
Far beyond horizon and above sky
Does there exist another world, if so then why??
Is it our weakness to fall for such silly arguments?
And justify for what we are suffering at the moment
I have seen no change in sky stars and even moon
The Sun always with bright shines in mid after noon
Decline gradually and approach the dead end
To give away the room for evening friend
Even though cool pleasure in evening for little time
It has tremendous impact for the entire gone time
Little to forget and nothing to remember
Happy union with rest of the family members
So long days are full of happiness and spent with joy
Life seems to be a place where to stay longer and enjoy
Nothing should enter for even a second to bother or annoy
It is with all astonishment to move with time as good boy
It plays havoc only when time does not move with your plan
The family members meddle in affairs to put blanket ban
Not to have cordial relations or always on with hostile mood
The meal also turns bitter with no test at all in food
This all turns into burning issues when you are in autumn
There is no to support you or desist them and condemn
They will harshly mistreat along with scant respect
The life has turned against you with this little fact
Still the night has not set in with its darkness
It will be dreaded and most feared faces
They will attack in dead late hours
You will wonder how to spend all these remaining years
I have wondered aimlessly in this cruel world
Acquired much for others but now developing cold
The earth seems to be slipping away under feet
There is no warm feeling even if I earnestly greet
They consider me now useless and not desire
All those years they remained with me and mostly admired
Suddenly there is visible change and I feel its heat
The ships are leaving one by one from the fleet
The oceans is no longer wanted in use
I feel it entirely and painfully refuse
I know it has vast treasure and fortune
It can not be exploited as all are out of tune
For me the same world is not exactly the same
The expected misfortune has struck shore and finally came
It has taught me lesson not to bank on misconception
Everything has got its time and must be awaited for interruption
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