Big sharks
What has happened to my country?Millions starve and remain hungry
We confine to express lips services
Only feeling pity and making tall promises
How many big sharks have emerged?
Wait for kills and remain submerged
Pounce upon at right moment
The disappearance from scene no one laments
How many may be dying unnatural deaths?
How many may be lucky to find wreaths?
Yet hunger for material gain remains top aim
There is everything to snatch for and claim
How much we may need for our life journey?
Can that be made smooth with material or money?
Is it not the mad race to feel not contended?
Claim honesty and innocence pretended
I can pardon any crime
I know it is critical time
Everybody wants to be millionaire
But gets him bogged down and taka no where
I take free air but feel slavery
Liberty in name but not in sense necessary
All vultures are in open to grab
Even human beings are ready to stab
No one thinks about nation or country
They want people to be suppressed and live in misery
Want free hand and no opposition
They want everything with nice composition
Open loot and land grabbing in private
Others crimes not come out in open but definitely relate
Not people but as if they are masters
Enough of black money and support to muster
Time is not far when people will be sprayed with bullets
They won’t come out to express views through ballots
The nexus may go on in engineered democratic way
Humanity may cry and loose but nothing may take them away
We have seen and witnessed the clumsy face
All good phrases in name but really a mad race
Power hungry can do anything and stoop below
No one may agree to it but compulsion to allow
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