My courtesy to all
My courtsey to all
I was greeted with good morning
I thought it may be simple warning
But it turned out to be warm welcome
The unknown friend had finally come
She was not at all that simple
Very dynamic and capable
Gifted with brilliance and tough posture
I was relaxed and very sure
Today was some special day
As sun had shown with its way
Very bright and advising to go along
I was afraid of going wrong
I was cornered by simple invitation with hello
She was emphatic in assertion and not lying low
”What was I up to this morning” she stated
I was glad and felt very elated
I was in search of trusted ally
She was firm assertive and not silly
I submitted my self humbly
And stood in silence shyly
She won’t mix with words
It was her different world
Altogether not based with this deception
She had offered me very good reception
Well, this is once in million chances
Where you come cross friends only at once
It can happen with any one
If it is desired sincerely for someone
I was asked “what I liked most”
A good friend with toast!
I replied for strengthening the relation
There were no more questions
I live with live memory as writer
I need beautiful character in mind and not fighter
She was all fitting into it
She was perfect as friend and fit
I must admit that I was carried
At no stage she had lied
It was my pleasure to know her more
What else can do then to adore?
I would love and l like if she really falls
Comes to me after scaling the wall
I shall earnestly wait for her call
I remain same with my courtesy to all
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