Simple act
Look around and find something useful
See that you are not hunting to look fool
When nothing seems perfect and full
Don’t become worthless and mere tool
Time is essence and really healing factor
We play as mere stage actor
We got pick coming signals
As they bring warning with their arrivals
Hear and learn from your dreams
Those scenes may speak of whims
If you fear of complete failure
Trust your soul and make it sure
Go to one side of corner and be silent
Watch over it and offer no comment
It may add more pain and agony’
If you cry and disclose it to many
Feel the comfort at heart
This is considered as very good art
You may find it in nature’s refuge
It is so vast, apparent and very huge
You may hear breathless leaves with no noise
You may feel cold in breeze with lots of promises
What do they speak of silently in your ears?
A positive attitude infused in mind for coming years
You can visualize the firmness sans illusions
Steel like resolve with no more confusion
Nothing can take away your gentle feeling
As you are near to Him and almost willing
But touch the blowing wind
Think over it and bear in mind
You are the sole judge
World is finished once you bend and misjudge
See the ship has set direction
Sails through storms with simple action
Reaching shore is simple object
This should be final score with simple act
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