Against His will
We can never dare to go against His will We can even never attempt to kill As we all know it is His world we live in We should rather be willing and very keen What happens if we try swim against the current? It pushes us back forcefully and sent It is always simple principle He is our father and we all his disciples As men and women we may have some compulsions There might be prevailing some kind of confusion Still he is the source of energy for infusion Only if we care and look forward with vision No one wants abortion even as last resort It may be causing concern and discomfort You are tied around and forced to go The precious live has been forced to throw There may be some compelling reasons The perception may vary from person to person Still I think it has some draw backs It is thought of mutual convinience with flaw and lacks It is cruelty on our part to do away with fetus It may be undesired but care should have been taken thus We all have knows capacity and financial condition It should not have been burning inside without ignition Number of arguments can be forwards in favor It should not have been forcefully asked for The pregnancy does not become reality Unless it has been consented with reasonability I was grilled for advancing unfavorable logic I sincerely felt it had no relevance or basis It not only lacked courage and moral strength But proved us wrong in any measured length It is burning question and can be understood It is borne out unnecessarily and misunderstood Little temptation is not controlled and trouble is invited But otherwise human bond is linked and related This sometimes happens with young age The girl or boy may not be able to manage The situation may be compelling to overcome As the new born at this time is not at all welcome The job security, unemployment and above all social security All are major factors and may count for such discontinuity It is left with no option but to go in for personal safety It is really a thing to think in futility and with pity It may not be realistic to think on one point of view This may not be shared by all or by only few It is individual freedom too and must be respected We can leave it to the conscious and let it be truly inspectedAgainst His will
Poem Commentary
We can never dare to go against His will We can even never attempt to kill
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Poem Comments
mdpoetgirl commented on Against His will
- OK, I would recommend that you break this long paragraph up into stanzas and short lines to make this easier to read. The title caught my eye, but then the close-together and lengthy text made me lose interest. Just a suggestion...
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