Only small ray
Only a small ray can pass
No one can make trespass
It is living hell and severe punishment
For patriots it is called banishment
How much sacrifice one has to make?
Whose interest is in jeopardy or at stake?
How much humiliation you undergo as slave?
Is there any great abuse and intruder can give?
I took to arms for holy cause
There was complete lull and pause
As if freedom spirit was dying or seen no where
No one could think of taking up arms and dare
Scores of comrades lost their lives in ensuing struggle
There was no law and order as if prevailed in jungle
It was more of insult and complete hell
Nothing was acceptable except the isolation in cell
I don’t remember how many were pushed behind bars?
It was even feared many more might have been pushed very far
Yet we had kept high spirit with burning of freedom lamp
We wanted it to achieve through peaceful means and stamp
I would hear cuckoos and sparrows sweet voice
Though it was reaching to me with faint noise
I had high hope of bright day with promises
When birds could freely sing we could not afford to miss
It was clear in mind that we would be lost in history pages
History would be with full of errors and cleverly managed too
But that was misconception at this time and I was forced to rethink
It was very much advisable to risk life and prefer to sink
The freedom and independence is not won without sacrifices
It has lost its charm during process with disappearance of old faces
New generation may takes us to new zenith with no tall promises
But keep high tradition and values with no more visible lapses
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