Unfortunate ones
How many on this earth may be unfortunate?
Who have nothing of their own to relate?
Not even God to ask for mercy and reprieve
As they had been left behind and deprived
Whom do they blame and curse?
No one but self of course
It is naturally not of their doing
But they may be subjected for something
Yet almighty is not negligent
So many flowers and good wishes to be sent
From all of those who wish them success
And grant them audience with full access
Reaching out to those kind hearts
Who care for their welfare and good start?
They are really blessed and cared
Else no one would have come near and dared
They could have been tortured
Met untimely death before being matured
Personal abuses apart from bodily harm
Always to be blown away by heavy storm
Think and do nothing for their plight
Express sorrow with lip services when they are in sight
This will emanate some kind gesture
To help shine their bright future
All these efforts may not go in vain
They will required some help to train
All human beings can think a little
It will help them honorably to settle
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