True reward
There can’t be any condition
As it is pure urge or ignition
It comes as natural feeling
When people choose it as willing
It requires no courage
But only strong will to manage
If love is what you can define
That may always stay as divine
It originates only attachment
A strong and dedicated movement
Where two people go for lasting union
Stay together as true companion
Love is not we seek as body attraction
That can be observed in any of our action
We may come up as hate biter
Heal it with love and turn it from bitter
“Love is God” not simply said
There is great emphasis laid
Millions of people are graced with peace
Live happily across continents and spend time at ease
Loose the hope once and burn the bridges
You will find hatred and only grudges
People will become blood thirsty
And kill persons against the will of almighty
I go with what others might not interpreter
But this is only advisable and fit
Love wins love and hate responds canard
What do we seek for as true reward
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