Welfare state
“Kill him, kill him” crowd shouted “do not let him go”
He has done shame to country and delivered blow
His head should be smashed and hands cut off to show
He was not worthy to be called citizen and hence to be thrown
“Tie him with ropes and thrown in front of elephants”
Such were the cruel methods and offered as instant
No more arguments and no more clemency
The judgment was to pronounced without any mercy
“Blind him and push him in jungles” to be eaten by wild animals
Such was the severe punishment for dreaded criminals
It was to serve as deterrent so no one repeated in future
The law and order was determined and made completely sure
One ruler, one law and respect for law abiding citizens
Nothing to come on the way for declaring peaceful zones
In natural calamities state aid and help urgently forthcoming
Any kind suggestions put into use and always welcoming
Such were the solid foundations laid down for the welfare states
Taxes and levies all done with equal and based on fare rates
No tax frauds, treachery or any of the serious offenses
The imposition of strict laws for enforcing sentences
How can we claim as largest democracy or progressive state?
Where is progressive element to take into note and narrate?
All sorts of loops holes provided to escape the strict laws
Legislations in force with ambiguity and worded with flaws
No justice delivered for years together and dragged on
Hardly someone may remain alive to see whether lost or won
How to appreciate such system in fast developing scene?
So much lethargy and scant respect for laws is rampant and seen
Murders roam freely and get the easy bail
Simple ticket less travelers are pushed in jail
Every item has been placed tag on it
Any one can lay hand on it if it is seemed very fit
Not all the cases get unfair trial
Somewhere blocked by official denial
Most of the time it is hindered by ineffective system
No one can place a ban or pass blame
Who can be appreciated most? Old rulers or present hierarchy
The democratic functioning of government or hereditary monarchy?
In both the method there prevailed a room for misrule and anarchy
Some of the issued involved were of serious nature and very touchy
We need no autocratic but at the same time strict enforcement
Full legal sanction for enforcement of effective establishment
Where there is respect for rights but at the same time duties too
The dream may be fulfilled only when it comes to use and prove true
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