Eat and be merry
Does the life mean to live and eat?
Marry and stay to make it sweet
School, youth and later on to profession
Troubles more and to lead with confusion
Always worry for two ends to meet
Absence of love to say hello when greet
Mind not at rest with so many wicked plans
No time to look back or have little glance
Time is money and busy is schedule
Some where to formant trouble and add fuel
Self interest first with top most priority
To consider one’s self with superior quality
No one can be blamed for simple logic
It is human tendency and forms very basic
Nothing goes with it as sentiments or feelings
Everything is done in agreement and as willing
Result is known and fate is sealed
Yet many thing done and tactfully concealed
Life goes on uninterrupted with nothing more to reveal
To go still deep in it and present it as real
Nothing will change so long human race is in existence
Not much can be said or exerted with insistence
There is helplessness as how to lead it honestly
Nothing can help even if tried earnestly
Not all may think the same but yes it prevails
With some of good principles the train derails
Lots of trouble when chosen the path of nobility
The universal truth surfaces with its known futility’
There is no reason for going back or retrace
We all are having same dilemma to face
It is easy to face a rowdy and hostile crowd
But very difficult to sustain and speak loud
Life can be brought to an end with single stroke
It is just a line and can be over in thick smoke
No one has any power to delay it even for second
Even though it is considered as very precious like diamond
You have been infused with lots of courage
That is how the human beings live and manage
They know well that it is cowardice to disrupt the cycle
It will be better to carry on and spend it as very casual
Though it is mechanical and looks unstable
Yet we can make it beautiful and stable
There can be added some new features
To help others and make for them bright future
Many can be given respite with very good smile
Their life can be made comfortable for a while
You can not help materially but restore confidence
Life can be made worth living and meaningful hence
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