In past years
Go back to your some of the best events in past years
Think of the past incidences where you had not landed ears
What would have happened if you had acted wise at that time?
The situation might have turned different sometimes
What is tempting you to go blind?
Why do you not see it reasonable and find?
That it had been told you to be careful
As precondition to emerge as successful
Not only this, you might have got rebuff
As you had failed to prove it as bluff
You had no reason to feel ashamed
As it was thought over and planned
Past definitely gives us some clue
To face bravely and come out of blue
Some of things might have been true
But short cut was needed to go through
Wealthy and successful people can afford to analyze
They have enough time and sources to summarize
They can evaluate, put aside or simply categorize
The work is done with efficient ways without reason to antagonize
Even though the cloak can not be reversed
Yet the time lost can be recovered and fully assessed
The loop holes can be filled with accurate input
Many sideways can be eliminated or simply cut
It is possible now for you to come with bold strategy
It may prove full proof system against any bogey
It will stand fast against any onslaught
As changes are positively thought over and brought
Sit in night to some reserved position
Look back with positive thoughts for future composition
Nothing can go wrong if thought over in advance
The success may elude you not even once
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