Midnight scare
Nights are really scary
You won’t like to be awake and worry
Mind works at faster space than light
You think more of wrong then right
Nights are meant for relaxation and sound sleep
You need not think much and go very deep
If you stress more then it may spoil your night
You will be in state of alert and constantly fight
If someone has told you about the miracles
You mind will definitely be occupied by such tales
Some unnatural happening may threaten your conscious
This may trouble you and keep engaged continuous
I would love to recall such incidences
I was saved from it at once
Some ghost like object appeared at the window
I picked the stone and tried to throw
It gave me some sort of confidence
Even though I give no weight or credence
It has given me some bad thoughts to scare
But I am prepared to stay and go no where
I keep remembering Holy Spirit
It keeps me sound and totally fit
No ghost or such evil can come near
As I have enough courage not to fear
I saw once some frightening element
I was speechless and could not speak or comment
I remembered God number of times
I got composure back but it happens sometimes
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