Love and like
We have forgotten the population menace
We have western model at heart and on face
Rape and other atrocities are order of the day
We have nothing to gain but loose on the way
We seek no morality or advocate freedom
It is never in store or enjoyed seldom
We live in fool's paradise and learn from the screen
Why to think of turmoil and those ghastly scenes?
Everybody is happy and nothing to worry
Politicians, saints and priests all enjoy and feel no sorry
Population is no worry as God may provide the food
More heads, at the long run may prove very good
Freedom and liberty has remained on paper
It is day for shooters, gang leaders and rappers
What education we are imparting to our teenagers?
They are always in outrageous mood and act as strangers
Students shoot at fellow students and create disorder
From where to bring decency and fine order
How can we truly understand the meaning of independence?
It has lost its charm in today’s context or presence
No one is to be blamed for failure in standard
We have never bothered to look around and backward
We left the tail in dangerous situation
Where is the real time for its evaluation?
Let freedom be enjoyed by all?
Let them profess what they want and give call
Let them change the system if they dislike
But live among all with love and like
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