Entire nation
Is it mere corruption that has engulfed entire nation?
Has that got any relevance in present context or relation?
It may be really a volcano eruption if that is indication
The nation wants free air without any suffocation
“Whole world is suffering same syndrome” remarked a leader
How can that be accepted as valid argument by reader?
When thousands of starve and millions watch helplessly?
How can this be not eradicated forcefully and successively?
Now safe haven for scoundrels. Mafias and politicians
It is not confined to Egyptians, Libyans or Indians
The poor is suffering most and fruit is enjoyed by those
Who have not struggled at all and come to power by force
Once in life time there is eruption and great revolution
No one is spared when there is great demand for devolution
The streets may not provide them safe heave or refuge
The force and demand may be tremendous and very huge
Such a candle is lit in this country by ordinary person
“Anna” stands for brother and out in open for various reasons
Country is reeling under corruption and may loose the pride and honor
He has come out with everything to loose still to act as savior
Battle line is drawn and challenge is thrown open
There is no other option but the talks to reopen
No one can escape dragnet against the popular demand
Even top order of leaders can now fear for remand
Not one man may lead the peaceful army
Whole of country may defeat the handful of enemies
They have no shame or regret for their action
We have to shape the destiny with outright reaction
They may offer all escape rotes for easy passage
The popular will may deliver the clear message
If they have any sense of self respect and concern for country
They should willingly declare the assets and black money
No one can be claimed as free from this evil
Yet the democracy is considered mother of all evils yet civil
All changes are expected and cards are on anvil
It is greatest demand of time with strongest will
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