Still the rule
We wanted and asked for
The democracy was unsuitable and called for
The slavery and bondage made permanent home
Free air and liberty was never welcome
Stick is still the rule
Corruption is taught from school
Parents line up to throw the chits
You find new product of cheats
No field is left out to maneuver
There is now difficulty for beginner
He inhales the corrupt air and learns
Public is not her worry or concern
We have more breeding grounds
Corrupt and harmful mosquitoes are always found
They bite and spread the quality when go round
The whole system is spoiled and not remained sound
No one can free the system
The evil has grown from stem
The roots are so deep and within
They will always triumph and win
We want no such rule for the day
It has taken everything away
They rule the scene and hold the sway
We find no such hope and ray
One in a million chances there will emerge some possibility
Country may face disintegration and loose the stability
It will be broken into pieces under heavy odds
The poor and downtrodden may suffer heavily under load
We wanted peaceful life but not at such personal cost
It was never realized or thought over by most
The democracy has some advantage but values are lost
The apprehensions are more and much loss of trust
Not a single field is free from blame
We have no regret and feel for shame
We take it as routine and nonsense act
There is no let up in our approach for this fact
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