Crisis deepens
The doubts are overcast and crisis deepens
Verbal duals are on and criticism sharpens
There is every move to scuttle the long marathon
The misrule is about to end and ruler is on run
Pro and against crowd is pitching battle
The street is full of screams and issue will not settle
Bloody battle will be waged and many may die
Oh God! Save thy country before they ruin and fly
You almost ruled with iron hand
Opponents were done away and tagged with brand
On the name of security and for motherland
They were outlawed and condemned as firebrand
God only knows how many perished behind bars?
How many are languishing and countless sent very far
Yet the draconian rule never came to an end
Though many times with the warning and feelers were sent
The country may watch either smooth transition
Or will witness bloodiest and stormy transformation
It is still unclear what way the wind will choose to blow
It won’t be easy either for country men or neighbors to go
The volatile situation may grip the entire area with fear
The agony and misery may go up and unbearable to bear
Many families may loose their heads and sent to oblivion
They will have no other option but to shed tears in pavilion
It is better to die in such condition than to die under tyrant rule
You can’t judge the world by standing alone on tool
You got to match with changing mood and situation
There can’t prevail any more uncertainty with its continuation
The rules may come and go with lot of wealth
The nation may loose charm with its economic health
The situation may any how be dealt with
The country has to be fully geared and armed with teeth
Possible to morrow may not as bright as expected
Popular wish and sentiments have to be respected
“The kingdom is divine right of kings” have gone
There is more or less but new concept is accepted and done
I wish there prevails good sense and matter settles
There is no great divide and people do not battle
The driving of wedge in between may widen the rift
The chances may be spoiled if not accepted as heavenly gift
The autocratic rule has to come to an end for good
People are living in misery and many are starved of food
It they can not remain sympathetic to the common cause
They should be mustered with bitter medicine with full doze
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