Endless search
It is endless search
I am not sure whether I will reach
It is difficult to learn or teach
But dilemma remains as such
With the advent of age, you grow tired
You don’t like the people around you to admire
So far you tried to win them away on hire
You kept your house safe from burning fire
You now try to search the good of past days
How you were being pushed and taken away
You had glorious and sweet memory to remember
As everybody in family loved you as beloved member
I was so much enthusiastic when tried to greet
I would have never contemplated or accepted defeat
I had only one aim of reaching to highest peak
I wanted only and not the words to speak
I left behind everything and sacrificed
I wanted to fulfill as already promised
Nothing was stopping me from going ahead
I was in all the way destined to lead
As it happens with living beings
It also ends sometimes and bring
All woes and tales to make you wonder
You look at the cloudy sky but remain unaffected with thunder
Certainly I have left behind some precious things
Friends, relatives everything to play in the ring
Mighty only survive and rest disappear
Or suffer with pain agony to bear
I open my memory box to find something special
I get nothing even if reach the stage of burial
It can never be had as they are thing of past
The life disintegrates and end near very fast
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