Wars and less education
The Arabs were not primitive and uneducated
Though education were limited
Suffered dominance under foreign rule and monarchy
Invaluable contribution to scholars and science without anarchy
Their suffering not yet over
For centuries catered the whole world and still
Facing the biggest onslaught and massive kill
No power on earth can weaken heir will
Let us praise and give them their legitimate due
World must open eyes and have sympathetic review
We have lot more to contribute for world cause and peace
Let them find heir own home and live at ease
Arabs have given a lot to world
They are facing complete heat and completely sold
No one lands ear to their plight and cause
Always at war without observing pause
They have been always crushed for international accommodation
Nothing is offered except wars and less education
They are kept under toe with threatening postures
Someone else is deciding their fate and future
World may not realize their plight
No one may grant their basic rights
Armies may march at will and kill innocents
Hardly something may be heard with comments
World may have to think afresh
There has to respect for their withes
No nation can be put to shame
It is of no use later on to blame
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