No to bright tomorrow
Why to think of bright tomorrow?
When I have no freedom to grow?
When my hands cuffed are tied?
The world is totally unaware and lied
Is this the world our forefathers had wanted?
Did they want that whole population be shifted?
Did they want hat the innocents be executed?
Oh, God! Why do they want us to be silently muted?
Why are not allowed to raise the banner of freedom?
What language do they understand for the price wisdom?
We have never witnessed orgy of violence and came across seldom
We are sitting on volcano and on heaps of bomb Dom
Today our children, parents and elders vanish in matter of seconds
Why have they become trigger happy and negatively respond?
Do you think we the citizens are meant for killer’s bullet/
Is there no place for peace to prevail with the help of ballets?
No heat can be won over by use of force
Love and affection is the only way of course
It may rain prosperity and brotherhood all over
Why do we take shelter and fire under cover?
If extermination was the only option then we would have opted
If the violence was only the way out then we would have readily adopted
There is second option everywhere to be taken in to account
Let right tactics prevail and force the opinion to mount
Where is the scope for total peace to descend?
Who will think for us and feelers send?
Why world still looks with so much apathy?
Why do the intelligentsias not show the solidarity and sympathy?
We are dying of hunger and starvation
There is constant fear of elimination
What we use is full of contamination?
We have been reduced to rubbles from prospering nation
For us present time is like living hell
Nothing moves on smoothly or well
We have miseries and woes to tell
We are unable to utter or spell
World may be nice o all
We have witnessed only fall
We always have emergency call
Life is at stake then what is to recall?
We don’t the curse fate but recent attitude
It has grown inn dimension with magnitude
We will think when we have breathing space
Who knows when will stop this mad race?
We wish to save our future generation
We have no answer or specific narration
We may not survive long to witness the peace
Still we pray for all to live with calm and at ease
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