Simple message
Why have we not understood simple message?
Why still we are not ready to open new pages?
Imprint something worthwhile to reach to the people
Not to embark upon mad adventure and gamble
Someone might say it is trust deficit
Every relation is strained and termed as illicit
We see nothing positively to over come lacuna
At least catch some glimpse from flora and fauna
It is simple logic around which everything revolves
Men made tragic events and does not help to solve
The tolerance limit is crossed and nothing seems in sight
What to do, where to go and what to consider as right?
Not such a crisis was faced ever?
Religious intolerance and hatred has taken over the place forever
No one seems to be worried about fall out
They have only narrowness to talk about
I am not an academician who can advance any logic
But there remain some angles to be seen as basic
It is not the work of good day dreamer or theoretician
But simple dream of kind hearted person and humanitarian
Any disaster any where in world must bring tears
Their agony, pain and sufferings we should share and bear
At least remote sense may feel the pulse of great divide
Why at large we stand in different direction to hide?
Can we not express our solidarity and confidence?
That we stand united if took place such an incidence?
Why can’t we rush to the sight uncaringly at once?
Exhibit the human feelings visibly in substance
We may not remain here for quite long
No one may praise us and sing a song
At least what we planted may remain to witness
Let world see the reason behind and face
Many have said in past and continue to profess
We are passing through critical period or phase
We are not that blind to ignore universal fact
Let us redefine ourselves and reform the acts
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