Then and even now
Justice was denied then and even now
The earth has turned infertile to plough
The show was same then even today
He had passed through agony still showed the way
The spirit must be kept alive
Life is to realized and relive
Whenever you see the tears in eyes, try to wipe out
The story of Jesus is love and kindness about
Lord Jesus when through and now we are
The honorable living is very far
What do we expect and see for our future?
I am quite confident and reasonably sure
Many are stoned to death
Cruelty still exists for expressing wrath
We have undone the honor and sacrifice
Forgotten completely his ideals and promises
I only knell down and regret my action
I expect no reprieve or any reaction
I know what I have done and what is in store
Yet I bow down before Him and plead for more
I know he is so kind and quite reasonable
He is so short and like water bubble
In short duration we have to excel and depart
Who can stop us from performing our part?
Let us not aggravate the spoiled situation/
Let us vow not to worsen it or opt for continuation
World has come nearly to collapse stand
Who knows what will be our crucial end?
You find tears in His eyes and cry
There are lot many question to be asked for why
We are sensible human being and reasonable animal
We need to pray for His reincarnation or re-arrival
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