her absence
I see her daily and find
All smiling faces in air and wind
Giving enormous joy and divine touch
To feel whole world in her as such
No amount of words may glorify
But her presence always signify
She is there at helm of affairs
We are at bottom and she is up in stairs
I cry for mom when she not around
I search here and there for her to be found
I have felt the pulse of missing substance
This is one of the most glorious instances
I love them in any form or as it is
Lovely and beautiful creative piece
The world can be doldrums or at war
She can influence and not allow the relation to soar
I cry not for her helplessness but for her absence
She may go to any extent even opt for sentence
No flower, no money or no amount may replace
Her magnetic influence carved on our face
Today I pay great tribute in her honor
Even though I have gained statehood of major
She may excel and reign supreme
Even if situation may stay different and extreme
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