Help me out
“Hello, you come here and help me out”
I felt it as rude shock and simply thought about
Is it arrogance in us or no curtsey at all?
I take it as strange and untimely call
Some one called me one eyes man and shouted
All civil norms were pushed out and flouted
The defeated soldiers feel humiliation when routed
I failed to understand why all such things to be stated
So many times I have been consoled on such matters
Even though it does not affect subject or alter
But it hurts from inside why all such unnecessary words?
When there is no need for it and look backward?
Someone advised no to say “die” even if some is in last stage
He may be facing death due to sickness or old age
Still some good words are expected when you visit his bed side
Even though it varies from person to person conceptually very wide
In friend circle we are used to address in ill mannered way
The words may not carry any meaning even if you use or say
So long you are face to face it is taken very lightly
But takes ugly turn f addressed in other’s presence even if rightly
Something hurts most if we are treated with ill manner
Whatever be the reason, it will have repercussion sooner
It is taken ill in remote corner of the heart and mind
It may find suitable reprisal if time permits to be unkind
We are all human beings and react the same way
Some times forced situation may force us to stay
You may be compelled unceremoniously to be taken away
This all happen when we fail to realize what to do and not to say
It has remained open fact that even animals need some affection
Even if they may not react angrily for our stupid action
You beat them mercilessly and they will bear it silently
But when time is in their favor, they will give push very gently
In normal circumstances we all try for strict maintenance of personal honor
We sometimes enter into altercation even if it is in nature of very minor
We are not used to any type of scathing attack or criticism
We should take enough care not to insult the humanism
We are prone to pick only praises
Any short use of language forces eye brows to raise
This is the only weak point that may completely put us down
We may never admit lapses even if they were our own
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