Prayer for scarcity
The only person praying for human plight
So he gets his chance right
Prices soar and fill his coffer
He is right in his opinion and never differs
Not a conscience, opinion or curse worry
Other insects bother him but no sorry
He may double or treble his money
Even though he may receive wrath from many
Let people die or go to hell
He should remain happy and well
He has nothing to worry or tell
As prices will soar and dwell
Black marketing or hoarding is nice business
No competition is on or any danger to face
Compile complete commodities from the market
Create shortage and price arbitrarily set
You may find such nuisance everywhere
World economy has to learn lesson from here
How things can be manipulated at larger level?
There may be , otherwise, different story to tell
It will be nice if things are stored in anticipation
Prices may go up in lean period in relation
The situation can be staved off and handled well
There won’t be any plight or situation like hell
Allow few free markets to mushroom
Give them enough freedom and room
Yet keep control and watch the scene
The plight and agony may be hardly seen
Still it is considered as sin
As such tendency is never seen
Human nature is such to take full advantage
Otherwise many articles on this might have not appeared on page
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