Lord Buddha smiled
Thousand of years ago the world came into smiles
There was misery, plight and agony all for while
No respect for nature, young, old or child
There prevailed rule of jungles and people were wild
Lord Buddha stepped out from his silence
He was all out to alleviate the sufferings in his presence
The divine knowledge and power were of no use
Until was parted to encourage love and tensions to defuse
His message of love is of immense value even today
Hated and not love should be given go by all the way
Love and trust to form the integral part of human nature
This can only guarantee us for lovely life and stable future
When Buddha smiled years back he had only meaning
The world was to think and have peaceful and one leaning
To support right cause and work for peace to benefit mankind
Not to work for evil forces or jump into actions amounting to be unkind
The world was given indication of coming peace
Life was to spent with all hopes and at ease
No bloodbath was to take place as many kings joined
The effort was appreciated and move was combined
World at large had heaved a sigh of relief
It was victory for truth and had firm belief
Whole area was come under magic spell
Everything was going be in order and very well
Lord Buddha had smiled with some aim and purpose
Everything was plain and clear and no room to suppose
Years later that meaning for smile was to be changed
The destruction with stability was all that arranged
Lord Buddha smiled on in India with first atomic device explosion
No one really knew what did the words carry meaning for explosion or implosion
There was not to be any meaning except self destruction or for many
There was to be left no doubt to the whole of world if to be seen as any
Lords Buddha’s smile had different relevance today
It was not meant to love but of deterrence way
Love was not to be countered with love but with equal force
The stock pilling of weapons was to be of great formidable source
Lord may be smiling from heaven at today’s scene
Love and peace is of same relevance today but differently seen
It can be seen as weakness as no longer it is in hands of weak
The love can and withstands any threat if someone chooses to speak
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