About self
It has been horrifying tale to narrate about self
It is full of bad ad good qualities lying deep heart shelf
It may never come out to the knowledge of even close friends
Some of the things may be known when life nears to an end
It is individual who only shapes the destiny
In doing so he gets help and extension from many
Yet it remains his own struggle and brave front
Which can realize and end in reality if he wants?
“I” has no relevance if performed in isolation
If may find some place if found strong relation
It may find honorable place with some nice indication
Lots of praise and flowers for good works in felicitations
“I also mean confirmation of powerful ego
In no way it can find place and has to go
No one may tolerate any proudly person
With whatever intention or meaningful reasons
With so many ups and down
You can have something of your own
Whether it comes with your wisdom
Or can reach you seldom
Life is constant flow
You may receive applauses or blows
Yet it has to move and go forward
There is no chance to look backward
“I 'mean nothing in sense
It may make you happy or go tense
You are single entity to emerge as one
Have to think self and curse no one
So to know self is really a Herculean task
No one may come to know if you are wearing mask
It is better to shed self image for noble cause
It you can’t do it then maintain distance with pause
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