Dina-my limited world
I have my own limited world
I live with happiness in small fold
“Dina” is no longer any stranger
She has taken away all my anger
She will bring bundle of love
In form of flower and simply observe
She speaks no word but shy away
I see in her real reflection and way
I really have no idea how to go along
I fear I may go sometimes wrong
I murmur in night with only one name
Dina where are and how you came?
Dina is on wall and clouds carry her impression
I watch it with intense obsession
She has made me to sink
I watch sky without any wink
She took me to a lake side
The water was calm and area looked very wide
I dreamed of carrying her in moon light
Even though she was seated by my right
She is no more making any move
How to go close to her and prove
That I meant to her so many things
She has to catch me for something
She opened mouth to say she is ordinary
Hail from noble family but has lots of worry
She may throw complete weight behind
I was something very dear and precious find
She is nice and comfortable with me
I too remain close and feel very free
She is clever but not that blind
I want her to be caring and very kind
She promises me to be in constant touch
I feel pulse of honesty as such
She is great with full of enthusiasm
I feel she is complete incarnation of humanism
She is not the divine figure
Yet full of energy and very sure
She is brilliant and gifted with intelligence
I can’t remain away without her presence
She is thousands of miles away
Yet she has made permanent home to stay
Blood run in vanes and reach the kind heart
Come back with same zeal and have fresh start
I know she will respond and never desert
She has never intended to insult or hurt
I may err to pick her style but I am very fond
t has totally paralyzed me to think and respond
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