


what is this need that haunts my dreams
and has me tearing out the seams
of everything I thought was me

is it destruction that I seek
or is it vengeance I will wreak
and who will pay the price

what is it that I think I lack
or is my life this far off track
and how did I get here

questions spinning round and round
but my refrain is without sound
and no one seems to listen

to the silences in which I breathe
or witness how my being seethes
I'd like to rip apart my skin

leave it there and start again
would it be a mortal sin
to let my heart lead me away

how do I measure if love is real
when there is nothing left to feel
but this overwhelming fear and doubt

it's my last chance I must get out
you're all I've ever been about
and there is so much more to me

invisible underneath this pain
that will not imprison or contain
my right to be who I am

the bitter truth won't be denied
nor all the bitter tears I've cried
I will not make them meaningless

the answer to the question asked
is seen when I remove the mask
I paid the price, I've been paying it all along

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optimistic commented on unmasked


Reframing from letting go of the old age mask is still a difficult task for me yet the fight must go on. This to me another great piece.

wheelsal commented on unmasked


The mask we wear to hid the pain is an age old disguise and you put a fresh face on it. That is what poetry is all about.

soulwriter commented on unmasked


I am torn apart by the witness of your hearts painful wrenching, feelngs torn assunder. Climb out and climb up, with the masked removed now you will see more clearly! Great emotional expression once again, you have such an artful way of letting it all pour out. Now knot the rope of hurt and add another notch for despair counting higher as you note all those who care. Move onward, new heights await you!

Clementinewoods commented on unmasked


This is another great piece of work!!! Once we remove our mask, we must be willing to face what we were hiding from. It sometime takes a lot of strength and courage, but with a made-up determined mind, it is possible to master the mask. I thank you for sharing and be blessed!!!

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

tenderpoison’s Poems (116)

Title Comments
Title Comments
You Are...I am 2
la chanson de la petite mort 4
fallen 2
seasons 0
smoke 2
Thursdays Child 2
the edge 0
whispers 2
nothing left to say... 2
sense of season 2
suspension bridge 1
Legendary 1
Almost 3
compromise 1
the final line 1
weather report 6
lessons in loss 2
Walk Away 1
b*itch boots 5
fumbling, tumbling - falling down 6
metamorphosis mine 13
Secret Language 15
An Ode to StudlyVonFiel
the ties that bind 15
spitting in the wind 9
paradigm 8
talking in tongues 10
cloudy skies 12
really 15
well, I guess I know what it's not.... 13
heart of stars 17
The Longest Road 14
Legacy 6
Despair 7
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Inflammatory 8
survival of the fittest 20
ephemeral 13
the fall of the inconsequenti
Modern Love 24
apathy the enemy 9
Oceans 7
Consummation 11
"I don't love you" I said 20
narcissus speaks 13
destination 9
expectations 6
worlds collide 6
afternoon delight 7
my addiction 19
spilt milk 8
bay-area tourist beware 6
reciprocal 7
take the lead 11
losing what's precious 20
figment 5
bacchus unveiled 9
genuine 24
fool's gold 13
silence speaks 9
dark temptation 10
glass beach 9
mother love 12
sweet nothing 9
lighthouse 6
unbound 8
One Moment 5
Michael Jackson is Dead 4
parley 4
unmasked 4
stand 5
sage 9
Rising 8
the last word 6
prelude to bliss 2
unstained 4
insatiable 3
not pretty 8
surrender 4
forsaken 5
kudos 5
fine dining 3
Pieces 4
the tree 16
inches 9
priceless 8
25 years 7
only a dream 9
reborn 5
flicker 5
unruffled 4
taking the air 6
cymbol song 4
strike zone 6
nine days in turlock 9
through the pale 8
redemption song 3
Wise Men Know 8
not so ancient history 7
my forefathers? 2
American Memorial 2
bitter harvest 4
unconquered 52
what's in a name? 5
Flattery 5
me and a tube of crazy glue 6
eternal vows 2
Old Friend 5
directions to destiny 4
Illumination II (a rewrite) 7
Illumination 6
submission - things they don't teach girls 22
Echo 20
Bride 16
Undone 21