talking in tongues


talking in tongues

I speak...quietly
in strange languages
full throated screams
straight from the depths of me
echo only silence

knowing I...turn a deaf ear
at any point that you
draw near
sick and twisted
I must decline to hear
echo only silence

it seems we in tongues
without adequate
I surrendered long ago
you're right
fuck silence

love never should...forgive
the cruelty
of your tongue
nothing you will ever do
will make it be alright
you left my deepest scars
on far too many a night
why couldn't you

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spbsdude commented on talking in tongues


A powerfully written peace. Beautifully done, your emotions come through. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. Sometimes not. Discretion is the better part of valor. Who said that first. I don't know, but I do love this piece.



of course, you're correct - but this is written to someone who used their verbiage as a weapon, carelessly, casually, cruelly....that always better left unsaid :) ty Dude



After revisiting this intriguing piece, I must agree. Words meant to wound are better left unsaid. But I ran into a situation recently in which my words were twisted and made to be what they were never meant to be. A casual statement suddenly became the focus of intense scrutiny. But then I never meant to hurt the person they were meant for, they were just twisted by someone else into something they were never meant to be. But to wound viciously there is no excuse for, as you have aptly portrayed.

gogant commented on talking in tongues


I've always said that it is easier to lie and be thought a trusted friend than it is to speak the truth and be thought an enemy. A very sad, but true part of life..................A terrific piece.................g

freemansvoice commented on talking in tongues


A sharp tongue, who ever coined that phrase didn't know the half of it. Same can be said for silence is golden. Why do we say things to hurt the ones we love or take verbal abuse from loved ones. We wouldn't take it from strangers.All of the pillow talk in the world can not take it back. You hit hit the nail on the head. While you 're still holding the hammer , use it on the jackass. maybe you can knock some sense into him. liked the poem.



his continued confusion between pillow talk and verbal abuse has led to a change of circumstances - no hammer necessary, I'll let my absence speak for me :)

ginga commented on talking in tongues


tender, This poem runs deep with dark emotion and pain. You have crafted it so expertly as to demand a response from the reader that leaves the lump in the throat. Tremendous! ginga

FranzJ commented on talking in tongues


the emotion drips off of every word - sadly is is anger and hatred

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

tenderpoison’s Poems (116)

Title Comments
Title Comments
You Are...I am 2
la chanson de la petite mort 4
fallen 2
seasons 0
smoke 2
Thursdays Child 2
the edge 0
whispers 2
nothing left to say... 2
sense of season 2
suspension bridge 1
Legendary 1
Almost 3
compromise 1
the final line 1
weather report 6
lessons in loss 2
Walk Away 1
b*itch boots 5
fumbling, tumbling - falling down 6
metamorphosis mine 13
Secret Language 15
An Ode to StudlyVonFiel
the ties that bind 15
spitting in the wind 9
paradigm 8
talking in tongues 10
cloudy skies 12
really 15
well, I guess I know what it's not.... 13
heart of stars 17
The Longest Road 14
Legacy 6
Despair 7
Delusion 7
Inflammatory 8
survival of the fittest 20
ephemeral 13
the fall of the inconsequenti
Modern Love 24
apathy the enemy 9
Oceans 7
Consummation 11
"I don't love you" I said 20
narcissus speaks 13
destination 9
expectations 6
worlds collide 6
afternoon delight 7
my addiction 19
spilt milk 8
bay-area tourist beware 6
reciprocal 7
take the lead 11
losing what's precious 20
figment 5
bacchus unveiled 9
genuine 24
fool's gold 13
silence speaks 9
dark temptation 10
glass beach 9
mother love 12
sweet nothing 9
lighthouse 6
unbound 8
One Moment 5
Michael Jackson is Dead 4
parley 4
unmasked 4
stand 5
sage 9
Rising 8
the last word 6
prelude to bliss 2
unstained 4
insatiable 3
not pretty 8
surrender 4
forsaken 5
kudos 5
fine dining 3
Pieces 4
the tree 16
inches 9
priceless 8
25 years 7
only a dream 9
reborn 5
flicker 5
unruffled 4
taking the air 6
cymbol song 4
strike zone 6
nine days in turlock 9
through the pale 8
redemption song 3
Wise Men Know 8
not so ancient history 7
my forefathers? 2
American Memorial 2
bitter harvest 4
unconquered 52
what's in a name? 5
Flattery 5
me and a tube of crazy glue 6
eternal vows 2
Old Friend 5
directions to destiny 4
Illumination II (a rewrite) 7
Illumination 6
submission - things they don't teach girls 22
Echo 20
Bride 16
Undone 21