redemption song


redemption song

let the heavy silence reign
over this, my deep domain
waiting for the one who's made
to wield the legendary blade

come seeking to avenge a king
and blessed golden age to bring
though all is ancient history
through me unveil this mystery

time's wheel may spin around and 'round
but to it we need not be bound
for each new age brings new beginning
that with new hope comes fairer ending

anointed, called, the one foreseen
come to claim his destined queen
but first to master deadly dance
blood-red vengeance to advance

though he will be the chosen one
his journey's only just begun
to free the man beneath the scars
to claim his heart, his shining star

follow winding roads he must
seeking after what is just
when redeemed gift he boldly claims
his prison will go up in flames

and he with mighty warriors heart
shall his gifts seek to impart
inevitable direction set
to greet the King he's not yet met

over hill and field and dale
searching far beyond his pale
his solitary journey keep
while muted joyous tears I weep

at the verge, two worlds collide
that of King and loyal Knight
on whispered sacred heartfelt vow
unbent knees will proudly bow

with sword in hand I shall arise
from misty lake in new sunrise
this mighty weapon I unsheathe
to bestow on him with bended knee

the vicious curse that held me here
broken after endless years
tragic legend to defeat
the cycle I will not repeat

no ignominious exit make
back to my dreary prison lake
his fluid fire in love engage
his bitter heart no more to rage

I claim the role so long denied
to Lancelot a worthy bride
this time he'll no betrayal make
I am his Lady of the Lake

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SavVySam commented on redemption song


This is fine, fine work! The surprise ending was really like adding desert to an epic literary feast, in a word PERFECT! Loved it!

travisd76 commented on redemption song


I loved this one. I like the way you brought us back to the days of the knights and entwined us in their love story. Nicely written.



this was my first attempt at "epic" poetry, although I don't think it's long enough to qualify.

soulwriter commented on redemption song


Beautiful - epic - historical - mythical - and magical... sometimes I am not much for rhyme though the greatest poets practiced such meter with admirable artful control in that we still live there loves as if we were there... you took me to a new place with this piece and I thank you!

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

tenderpoison’s Poems (116)

Title Comments
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seasons 0
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Thursdays Child 2
the edge 0
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nothing left to say... 2
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Almost 3
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Walk Away 1
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Secret Language 15
An Ode to StudlyVonFiel
the ties that bind 15
spitting in the wind 9
paradigm 8
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really 15
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Inflammatory 8
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ephemeral 13
the fall of the inconsequenti
Modern Love 24
apathy the enemy 9
Oceans 7
Consummation 11
"I don't love you" I said 20
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destination 9
expectations 6
worlds collide 6
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my addiction 19
spilt milk 8
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losing what's precious 20
figment 5
bacchus unveiled 9
genuine 24
fool's gold 13
silence speaks 9
dark temptation 10
glass beach 9
mother love 12
sweet nothing 9
lighthouse 6
unbound 8
One Moment 5
Michael Jackson is Dead 4
parley 4
unmasked 4
stand 5
sage 9
Rising 8
the last word 6
prelude to bliss 2
unstained 4
insatiable 3
not pretty 8
surrender 4
forsaken 5
kudos 5
fine dining 3
Pieces 4
the tree 16
inches 9
priceless 8
25 years 7
only a dream 9
reborn 5
flicker 5
unruffled 4
taking the air 6
cymbol song 4
strike zone 6
nine days in turlock 9
through the pale 8
redemption song 3
Wise Men Know 8
not so ancient history 7
my forefathers? 2
American Memorial 2
bitter harvest 4
unconquered 52
what's in a name? 5
Flattery 5
me and a tube of crazy glue 6
eternal vows 2
Old Friend 5
directions to destiny 4
Illumination II (a rewrite) 7
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submission - things they don't teach girls 22
Echo 20
Bride 16
Undone 21