All the Way with Part Way


All the Way with Part Way

My heart opens up to the universe with love.
Oh, my universe!  My world! Crush me like a bug--but I feel love for you still.
It must be so.  The cogs of the great machine must turn.
The light that first shined into my eyes, and awoke my love of light;
And the first word that I ever heard, that awoke in my ears
A love of language and learning and love;
And all the flowing days that have bloomed and become my years--
Guided and gardened by my first and best and most-loved teacher:
My loving, giving, much-missed mother--
Lit up my life of joys and tears.
Each day built me up a bit; but now each day takes a bite.
My time that I have loved and lived has carried me
Only part-way to the last mark.
I have several large questiions; but I have found only one sure answer.
No answer came to me from the stars in the night sky.
But I found one answer only; and it came up out of my own heart.
That whenever I see the day-time sky
With sun-brightened blue and luminous white clouds;
Or in the night sky, the soft lighting moon--
A circle and cycle of light--
Or the stars, pin-points and sand-grains of light,
Sprinkled and scattered across the endless night:
The universe beams beauty at me.
Here on this earth of beauty--this beautiful life-filled earth--
Rich with its own blue, the seas--and green--
Blue oceans and green seas--and green plants that taste the sun,
And bring starlight into life for everyone.
How can this world of so much beauty have something in it like cancer?
I have no way of knowing, no faculty to find out that.
But to the question of what to do, I still have my own heart's answer:
To treasure every magical living breath.
To love even an apparently unloving, uncaring universe.
To embrace life with love; and to love the world where I was given birth.
To love life to the last.
To love my hours, even as all my flowers fall into earth.
Sometimes I think my life does not matter.
That it did not matter.
But then I feel deeply that my life ought to matter.
And I know: that if it truly ought to matter,
Then surely that is also a way of actually mattering.
An end soon to all my writing.
Prose, poetry, verse.
Soon I will smile my last smile of love to the world that made and breaks me.
My last smile to the universe.
Things could have been better for me; but they could have been worse.
Whether or not, in the end, it loves me--whatever has been, and whatever will be--
I love the world. 
I love life. 
I love myself.
I love my fellow and sister people. 
I care about animals. 
I love the universe.
Full of regrets, with increasing pain and fear and sorrow,
I still have things to be glad for and to enjoy:
I, miracle--I, wonderful magic:
A breathing, living, soul-filled shape of earthen sod.
I treasure every day--I take today--and I always hope to have one more tomorrow.
Plagued with questions and doubts: Still I am, now--and I hope to be, forever--
Grateful to God.

Written by Michael LP, aka MLP
aka PoetWithCancer, aka PWC, aka Mr. Poet
Written on Saturday, December 25, 2010  2:31 pm PST
Temperature: 57 degrees F.  Humidity: 45%  Forecast: overcast
Copyright (C) 2010 by Michael L.P.  All rights reserved

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Lunabella commented on All the Way with Part Way


I wish I could be, A strong as thee, Or as brave as you, I wish myself blue, I read your words, And I know what I heard, But I wonder, And I ponder, What do you hunger for? I wish I knew more, I would, If I could, Take your place, And bear it with your grace, But I cannot though I wish I could, I hope you know if I could I would, Just to see you smile, For a little while, I would do anything, Be anything... Smiles and laughter, Love and tears, These are all I have to give, I do not know how to give what's left of a broken heart, So I give you my laughter, and my smiles, I give you the light part of me. And wish you well.

abuelita1 commented on All the Way with Part Way


Wow, once again these words run deep from your heart to others, like myself. "I still have things to be glad for and to enjoy: I, miracle--I, wonderful magic:" rings so true of yourself Michael. These words and so much more is what will keep my heart warm while it beats and breaks. Without your courage, my eyes would not have been opened. Through your eyes I have seen things very different than before. There is not any words that I can say or write to give you thanks. I do thank God for His gracious love for me, by putting you in my life to come to know you as I do. Love and prayers..........Super Angel

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

PoetWithCancer’s Poems (224)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Happy Winter Solstice 1
Seasonal Ring 1
My Thanksgiving 0
God's Word 1
Under the Date Tree 1
A Few More Times 1
Divine and Diabolical World 0
Summer-Brief 2
Seasonal Ring 0
Shakespeare's Birthday and Death 0
Special Brian 0
I Remember Brian 0
Light of Life 0
Pain Has Defeated Me Today 1
The Old, Old Words 0
Home Is Where the Heart Is 0
A Sad Contemplative Christmas Today 0
Moments of Memory; In Memory of Moments 0
Sun and Rain, Joy and Pain: I Miss My Friend Brian 0
Dehumanized and Clinicized--N
Not Full 0
Love, Loss, and Lennon 0
Dying Dream 0
Brian's Pure Love for His Lady 0
Two Loved Ladies Undergoing Surgery Now 0
The Masks Fall Off at Midnight 1
Prime of Life 1
Low Energy and Less Time: And Too Many Things to Do 1
Happy Veterans Day, Brian 0
Happy Veterans Day, Brian 0
Thanksgiving 0
Autumn of Year; Autumn of Life 0
Brian's Birthday and New Year's Eve 0
Under a Constant Star (9/11) 0
Deep Time 0
Is There Anything Out There 2
Classics in the Closet 0
Nobody 0
Feeling the Wind 0
The Wild Doe and the Hunter 0
Happy Birthday, Brian 0
The End of the World: Saturday, May 21, 2011, 6 pm PDT 1
Brian's Special Smile 0
Broken Birth 0
Missing Brian 0
Focus: Today, Happy 0
I Love You, Brian 0
The Ways and the Words of You 1
Stone Cry 0
Amore Immortale 0
Reality and Unreality 1
Lyrical Life 1
Easter 0
Shakespeare's Birthday 0
Friends During Need 1
Death--A Play--or the Final Act 0
Moods 0
I Was Worried About You 0
Song of Life 2
Me 1
Oh Mother of My Life, My Mind, My Heart--Happy Birthday (Sunday, April 3, 2011) 0
Your Money or Your Life 1
Poesis 0
A Last Look at the Moon 0
Tears for Brian: My Tears Spring Suddenly 0
Seventeen in the Past 1
Clusters 1
Suffering and Dying Where Love Is Least 1
Looking at People in a Restaurant, Talking to Brian 1
Brian Cannot Come Back to Me 3
Seven for Heaven: Human Haiku/Senryu, On Two Straight Guys Who Loved Each Other 3
Five Human Haiku (Senryu): Faithful to the Perfect Form 0
The Scream 3
Life Is 8
Following My Friend 3
Small Moments (Written by Patricia, for Brian) 1
For Precious Michael (Written by Patricia, for me) 4
Dream of Life, Dream of Friendship, Dream of Love 4
The Power to Create 4
A Single Fortune Cookie 6
The Meaning of Life 2
Dreamless 3
Prayers 3
Lost Love 2
I Thank My Mother for My Birthday and for Her Wonderful Mother Love 3
Lennon Lost His Life: And Now, So Has Teena Marie 2
All the Way with Part Way 2
Loving, Living, and Dying 6
Dreaming and Seeming 3
Poem Prayer 2
Science, Poetry, Philosophy, and More 2
Super A, Abuelita1--Th
ank You for Your Support, Caring Love, and Understanding
Wonderful Connie 1
Someday-Dying 2
Between Yes and No 3
Love of Life 1
Zappa the Magnificent 1
In the Midst of Life 2
Only One Death 1
Real Illusion 1
The Unknown 1
My Apparently Known Possible Fates in This World 1
No More Me 2
Someone 2
Leaving Life 1
Precious Jade 2
Fear and Grief and Going: Unguilty of the Grave 1
Using and Losing Time 1
Loveless Life 2
Good Life, Good Grief 1
Dreamless 1
Ontology versus Oncology 1
Now Time 2
No Present, No Future: All Past 3
Hippocratic Hell 1
First Light 2
Almost At the Limit [--A Sonnet] 1
Death-Trap 0
Broken 1
Birthday Termination 1
Moments 1
First and Last Cry 1
Love 2
Final Fragility 1
End of the World 1
Tripping 1
Seasonal Ring 1
Gifts that Go and Still Stay 1
Sidney Says: Advice to Poets and All Writers 3
Enthusiasm: God Within 3
Send Me Your Good Will, or Pray For Me--Please 1
Feeling Each Other's Pain 1
Snow Man for a Low Man 0
Explanation of My Poem "As If the Last" 2
New Year, No Love 2
Poetic Form 0
Guilty Pleasures: Not Guilty 2
About Me 1
Live, Laugh, and Love 4
Nothing Special 2
Why a Writer Writes 2
To Sarah Y and Her Beloved Little Boy Who Cries Out: Again! 1
I and You: Unique and the Same 1
Where's the Compasssion in Our Health Care System? 0
Lonely Girl, I'm Feeling the Way You're Feeling: But We Can Both Make It Through 3
Health-Care Reform and Hell on Earth 3
Psyche 3
My Bucket List (For Now) 4
My Most SCARED Moments 2
Children of the Stars 2
Passing Life's Test 1
Why More Now? 1
Remembering My Grandma on Thanksgiving Eve 3
Another Thursday, Another Hammer 4
Thursday's Hammer 1
New Birthday 2
Let Love of Life Light Up the Psyche of Fawn 1
To Angel Eyes: The Wonders of Your Life 1
Regarding the Lack of Fall in Texas 2
Light for the Fight 2
All That I Have 3
Shine 2
As If the Last 2
Here Now 1
All in Time 2
The Exile 2
Incurable and Terminal 4
Tripping 2
One More Tomorrow 1
My Dash 4
One of Two Is Stronger 1
No More Romeo; No More Juliet 1
Friendship and Life 1
Snow and Life 3
Live Spelled Backwards 1
Sarah Y 2
To Fly 2
My Cry 1
Moment of Madness 2
Fall From a Great Height 1
A Memory 1
Less Life; No Loving 2
A Loser, True 2
Time Stop 1
Final Sleep 1
Entre Enfer 1
Flying Life 1
One Would Have Been Enough to Make Life Worth Living 5
Once 3
The Haiku Form 2
Bridge to a Comet--Your Visits and Comments to Me 4
Get Well Soon, Luna Marie 2
Winging It (a human haiku, or senryu) 3
Light Locomotive 2
Skite, Where Were You Today? Where Are You Tonight? 2
Angel's Wings, Angel's Voice 4
Shy, but Not Too Shy 2
High Coo 4
From Night to Night 3
Life's Journey's End--Cut Short by Cancer 4
Love, Light, Life, and Night 2
Fear and Courage 1
Death in Life 3
Unknown Final Fate 3
To Right a Poem 4
Crab-Like Concealed 4
Soon 2
All in the Mind 3
Ebony Shine 3
On My Nephew Naming His First-Born Son After Me 5
Love, Loss, and Lennon 3
Eqinox 4
Feeling My Heart 5
The Best Person I Ever Knew: My Best Friend--Brian 2
In Memoriam, George Difficult 3
Lovers 7
Art 5
Things to Do 4
Plane on Fire 3
Ameliorator 5
Thanksgiving 7
Worlds of Light 24
Failure's Fortress 13
Song of Life (Original Version) 13