Young lovers


Young lovers

They frolicked in the meadow
carefree, wild and true,
dancing in each others love
under a sky of blue.

Giggling in awe of what they
have found,
falling into rapture
as they tumble to the ground.

As they lay upon their bed of flowers,
soaking in the sun,
he leans in and whispers,
You're the only one.

Giggling again, she rolls
from his grasp,
and runs a ways teasingly
and he begins to laugh.

Running up to catch her
he pulls her close and then,
holds her in his arms and kisses
so she'll never run again.

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Shan commented on Young lovers


A romantic poem..... I loved to read this piece.... It inspires me to write more on this topic of love and romance...... The flow is good.... the style is sweet...... keep up poetry.....

laydbak1 commented on Young lovers


I just love reading where the flow never gets bogged down and the message is blended so easily and clearly... I wrote a poem about this same subject years ago... It's not posted, but the picture you used and the moments these two shared, were very similar.... great piece of work.... 10 10 10

Dancer022597 commented on Young lovers


I really liked this poem. I thought it was very light and flowy. You've described a realationship that most couples dream of having.

BlackKnightOS commented on Young lovers


I like this poem, it gets me to think of my girlfriend and the fun we have spending time together. This is a well written poem, Mrs. Poet. :o)

soulwriter commented on Young lovers


I love the simplicity of innocence playfully displayed here. Oh, those days of being young are a few years past, but young love last and last.... Keep creating - well done.

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Apples 1
This is a love story 2
Gone I go now~ 1
Kisses~ 1
Beyond~ 0
Tears~ 2
Beyond what you see 0
Deeper waters 1
Rambles 0
The mountains are calling ~ 1
She sang~ 0
tic toc 0
Uncut chains 0
Love holds me.... 2
My Garden 1
kick 1
Repentance 0
emotional abuse 8
untitled 0
Journey 8
Yet 6
Another fight 9
Vanities Crime 9
Lost innocence 5
loves, holy, fire. 12
Baptism 19
The hands of faith 7
behind these tears 5
A bit of blarney 10
A daughters grief 6
echoes of goodbye 7
Heartaches cry 6
To love myself at last 8
Set free 3
Unfit love 5
A feather fell from heaven 4
Goodbye 105
on the wings of a dove 1
Drifting 5
The kiss 5
Flawless wings 4
night come softly 1
forest song 2
mystery's plan 6
Young lovers 10
Black Roses 9
Expectant heart 5
His Face 1
Her need. 2
Majesty in Flight. 7
On my knees 6
My gift 6
In moments like that. 2
Wilted flower 6
Two shades of gray. 2
In His foot steps. 3
Under his wings 3
One single rose.. 9
A symphony of praise 3
brooding eyes... 4
Little raggamuffin 13
broken bird 7