Vanities Crime


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    Vanities Crime

    What is a body that one should care?
    What is this vanity that we humans share?
    Why so concerned with our outter shell?
    When it is the soul and heart
    that make love swell.

    My body is broken, not lovely you see.
    scares of life now consume there
    place on me.
    But inside this frame, so damaged by time,
    lives a beauty that is beyond all
    vanities crime.

    There in that place where no eye can see,
    I am more then a body, I am simply just me...

    Poem Comments


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    gogant commented on Vanities Crime


    Some pains can never be softened nor ignored, but in your words here, it might be all who suffer less now. Thanx for sharing your thoughts...

    ELRey commented on Vanities Crime


    A classic theme and laid done well again on this page. Well done. The truest beauty is the minds beauty. Shine on lovely poet...shine on!!!

    randomthoughts commented on Vanities Crime


    :) ************************************************************(: ;)

    vaudeen commented on Vanities Crime


    i really like this one.its so to the point. you too have a gift for words. if only people were more like that.

    WhiteKnight commented on Vanities Crime


    very well written. it shows us for who people in a whole really are. not all people but to many are shallow and concerned on whats on the out side not the inside. check some of mine?

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Apples 1
    This is a love story 2
    Gone I go now~ 1
    Kisses~ 1
    Beyond~ 0
    Tears~ 2
    Beyond what you see 0
    Deeper waters 1
    Rambles 0
    The mountains are calling ~ 1
    She sang~ 0
    tic toc 0
    Uncut chains 0
    Love holds me.... 2
    My Garden 1
    kick 1
    Repentance 0
    emotional abuse 8
    untitled 0
    Journey 8
    Yet 6
    Another fight 9
    Vanities Crime 9
    Lost innocence 5
    loves, holy, fire. 12
    Baptism 19
    The hands of faith 7
    behind these tears 5
    A bit of blarney 10
    A daughters grief 6
    echoes of goodbye 7
    Heartaches cry 6
    To love myself at last 8
    Set free 3
    Unfit love 5
    A feather fell from heaven 4
    Goodbye 105
    on the wings of a dove 1
    Drifting 5
    The kiss 5
    Flawless wings 4
    night come softly 1
    forest song 2
    mystery's plan 6
    Young lovers 10
    Black Roses 9
    Expectant heart 5
    His Face 1
    Her need. 2
    Majesty in Flight. 7
    On my knees 6
    My gift 6
    In moments like that. 2
    Wilted flower 6
    Two shades of gray. 2
    In His foot steps. 3
    Under his wings 3
    One single rose.. 9
    A symphony of praise 3
    brooding eyes... 4
    Little raggamuffin 13
    broken bird 7