mystery's plan


  • Lost Love

    mystery's plan

    Locked in a castle tower
    alone in despair,

    I sat in waiting
    for someone to care.

    Many came by with
    notions of love,
    but none of them touched me
    with light from above.

    Each one drained me
    taking away my essene,
    till one day a wizard entered
    my presence.

    He casted a spell of mystic delight,
    and held me spell-bond
    but for a night.

    Wrapped me in spender
    in mystery's plan,
    he gave me wings to fly
    and told me I can.

    By mornings light he was gone
    in a instant,
    but the love that he gave
    will journey the distance.

    The gift he imparted will not be in vain,
    for in my soul his magic remains.

    Poem Comments


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    Rocetman commented on mystery's plan


    I had to read one more, and I'm glad it was this one! I added this to my fav's!! c-ya!! again.

    Madelynn commented on mystery's plan


    Now thats a fairy tale!! Your rhyming is so spot on-perfect.Its simple but so entertaining!-I just so enjoy your work!

    JCKasper commented on mystery's plan


    Inspiring and well written. It has a nice even flow and leaves much to the imagination! Captivating and instills the feeling of hope that we long for.

    ginga commented on mystery's plan


    Nice setting for an uplifting message. I love that the wizard played a significant role. Short and succinct. ginga

    randomthoughts commented on mystery's plan


    I really like this one... ..... ....... ....... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Apples 1
    This is a love story 2
    Gone I go now~ 1
    Kisses~ 1
    Beyond~ 0
    Tears~ 2
    Beyond what you see 0
    Deeper waters 1
    Rambles 0
    The mountains are calling ~ 1
    She sang~ 0
    tic toc 0
    Uncut chains 0
    Love holds me.... 2
    My Garden 1
    kick 1
    Repentance 0
    emotional abuse 8
    untitled 0
    Journey 8
    Yet 6
    Another fight 9
    Vanities Crime 9
    Lost innocence 5
    loves, holy, fire. 12
    Baptism 19
    The hands of faith 7
    behind these tears 5
    A bit of blarney 10
    A daughters grief 6
    echoes of goodbye 7
    Heartaches cry 6
    To love myself at last 8
    Set free 3
    Unfit love 5
    A feather fell from heaven 4
    Goodbye 105
    on the wings of a dove 1
    Drifting 5
    The kiss 5
    Flawless wings 4
    night come softly 1
    forest song 2
    mystery's plan 6
    Young lovers 10
    Black Roses 9
    Expectant heart 5
    His Face 1
    Her need. 2
    Majesty in Flight. 7
    On my knees 6
    My gift 6
    In moments like that. 2
    Wilted flower 6
    Two shades of gray. 2
    In His foot steps. 3
    Under his wings 3
    One single rose.. 9
    A symphony of praise 3
    brooding eyes... 4
    Little raggamuffin 13
    broken bird 7