broken bird


  • Emotional

    broken bird

    I am but a broken bird who's
    lost her will for flight,
    I am but a song that's sung
    in the deepest darkest night.

    Not one of those of learned degree's
    has the seed to my repair,
    my fate has been spoken among
    the trees she has only but dispair.

    So cast not your lot to me my love
    for these wings they cannot fly
    the only thing that they can do
    is wave a disheartened goodbye.

    Poem Comments


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    FLAWLES commented on broken bird


    I had to read this a couple of times. It sounds to me like the wings are fine. I think the bird needs to locate what it THINKS it's lost. Still, a very good rhythmic read.

    goddessphilly1 commented on broken bird


    Sad but Real I enjoyed it keep up the good work and much success to you Peace STAY-UP

    brighteyes459 commented on broken bird


    I know this feeling all too well! You did a wonderful job.

    lightcourier commented on broken bird


    Hints of Blake. Simple and powerful. Nice work. Thanks!

    california commented on broken bird


    SAD..... but very, very goog. this is beautiful, ever so slightly off your regular style. wonderful....

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Apples 1
    This is a love story 2
    Gone I go now~ 1
    Kisses~ 1
    Beyond~ 0
    Tears~ 2
    Beyond what you see 0
    Deeper waters 1
    Rambles 0
    The mountains are calling ~ 1
    She sang~ 0
    tic toc 0
    Uncut chains 0
    Love holds me.... 2
    My Garden 1
    kick 1
    Repentance 0
    emotional abuse 8
    untitled 0
    Journey 8
    Yet 6
    Another fight 9
    Vanities Crime 9
    Lost innocence 5
    loves, holy, fire. 12
    Baptism 19
    The hands of faith 7
    behind these tears 5
    A bit of blarney 10
    A daughters grief 6
    echoes of goodbye 7
    Heartaches cry 6
    To love myself at last 8
    Set free 3
    Unfit love 5
    A feather fell from heaven 4
    Goodbye 105
    on the wings of a dove 1
    Drifting 5
    The kiss 5
    Flawless wings 4
    night come softly 1
    forest song 2
    mystery's plan 6
    Young lovers 10
    Black Roses 9
    Expectant heart 5
    His Face 1
    Her need. 2
    Majesty in Flight. 7
    On my knees 6
    My gift 6
    In moments like that. 2
    Wilted flower 6
    Two shades of gray. 2
    In His foot steps. 3
    Under his wings 3
    One single rose.. 9
    A symphony of praise 3
    brooding eyes... 4
    Little raggamuffin 13
    broken bird 7