forest song


  • Lost Love

    forest song

    She ran into the forest

    to a place she knew well,

    rested near a creek

    where wildflowers sent their smell.


    Lazily she played

    making halos in the sun,

    waiting for her prince

    he was surely to come.


    She waitied there for hours

    and dusk had settled in,

    still no sign or hope

    her heart then grew dim.


    Drifting off to sleep

    she sent up a prayer,

    hopeing that when she awakened

    he would be right there.


    But as morning broke

    and sunlight kissed her cheek,

    she realized she was still alone

    laying by the creek.


    She knew something changed

    she felt it in her heart,

    she knew she had lost him

    she felt so torn apart.


    She then gathered up herself

    tears flowing free,

    broken by a love

    she thought was meant to be.

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    randomthoughts commented on forest song


    welcome back my friend :) ...............................................................................................................

    yardbird commented on forest song


    These are such beautiful words to grace my eyes. I have also known the heart break of love that I thought was meant to be. I still believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Apples 1
    This is a love story 2
    Gone I go now~ 1
    Kisses~ 1
    Beyond~ 0
    Tears~ 2
    Beyond what you see 0
    Deeper waters 1
    Rambles 0
    The mountains are calling ~ 1
    She sang~ 0
    tic toc 0
    Uncut chains 0
    Love holds me.... 2
    My Garden 1
    kick 1
    Repentance 0
    emotional abuse 8
    untitled 0
    Journey 8
    Yet 6
    Another fight 9
    Vanities Crime 9
    Lost innocence 5
    loves, holy, fire. 12
    Baptism 19
    The hands of faith 7
    behind these tears 5
    A bit of blarney 10
    A daughters grief 6
    echoes of goodbye 7
    Heartaches cry 6
    To love myself at last 8
    Set free 3
    Unfit love 5
    A feather fell from heaven 4
    Goodbye 105
    on the wings of a dove 1
    Drifting 5
    The kiss 5
    Flawless wings 4
    night come softly 1
    forest song 2
    mystery's plan 6
    Young lovers 10
    Black Roses 9
    Expectant heart 5
    His Face 1
    Her need. 2
    Majesty in Flight. 7
    On my knees 6
    My gift 6
    In moments like that. 2
    Wilted flower 6
    Two shades of gray. 2
    In His foot steps. 3
    Under his wings 3
    One single rose.. 9
    A symphony of praise 3
    brooding eyes... 4
    Little raggamuffin 13
    broken bird 7