Another fight


Another fight

Another fight,
another teardrop down my cheek,
it seems you've found more wrong with me...
but there are secrets that I keep.

Secrets that comfort me
in the cloak of night,
secrets that drive me further
towards the saving light.

Another fight,
another word spoken to tare my soul,
it seems you've found more wrong with me...
but there are secrets that I hold.

Secrets that light my path
and keep my spirit bright,
secrets that will someday
end this painful plight.

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soulwriter commented on Another fight


Walk to your own light - and dont ever let anyone darken your life! This has soul and speaks in a powerful voice - the picture paints a strong visual too. Very well stated - keep creating and smiling from the inside out.

ELRey commented on Another fight


The duality of the reality aside the secret fantasy. We need these privacies to maintain our exterior porcelain mask from stress cracks. I will share a secret with you if you share with me. I assure our masks will remain intact.

pinkbutterfly commented on Another fight


wow I think we all have some secrets like that one. grea poem.

randomthoughts commented on Another fight



rabbitenigma commented on Another fight



To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Apples 1
This is a love story 2
Gone I go now~ 1
Kisses~ 1
Beyond~ 0
Tears~ 2
Beyond what you see 0
Deeper waters 1
Rambles 0
The mountains are calling ~ 1
She sang~ 0
tic toc 0
Uncut chains 0
Love holds me.... 2
My Garden 1
kick 1
Repentance 0
emotional abuse 8
untitled 0
Journey 8
Yet 6
Another fight 9
Vanities Crime 9
Lost innocence 5
loves, holy, fire. 12
Baptism 19
The hands of faith 7
behind these tears 5
A bit of blarney 10
A daughters grief 6
echoes of goodbye 7
Heartaches cry 6
To love myself at last 8
Set free 3
Unfit love 5
A feather fell from heaven 4
Goodbye 105
on the wings of a dove 1
Drifting 5
The kiss 5
Flawless wings 4
night come softly 1
forest song 2
mystery's plan 6
Young lovers 10
Black Roses 9
Expectant heart 5
His Face 1
Her need. 2
Majesty in Flight. 7
On my knees 6
My gift 6
In moments like that. 2
Wilted flower 6
Two shades of gray. 2
In His foot steps. 3
Under his wings 3
One single rose.. 9
A symphony of praise 3
brooding eyes... 4
Little raggamuffin 13
broken bird 7