brooding eyes...


brooding eyes...

Brooding eyes of sea blue glass
a somber heart filled with shame,
she seeks to be found but never is
she always filled with pain.

Wounds don't heal, they only grow
faint against the back drop she calls
her life,
never moving fast enough
always filled with chaos and strife.

Her hair dark as the midnight sky
drifting over her milk white shell,
A gift from heaven she wants to be
but she finds herself in hell.

Reaching out with arms of peace
she looks for gentle hands,
someone that will love her
deep and true; some one who

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Rocetman commented on brooding eyes...


excelent, you left me longing. this said all that needed to be said ,short and sweet,( I'm still thinking about your words.)

FLAWLES commented on brooding eyes...


Very good pg. I hope this was just something off the top of your head. Sometimes some of the best poems come from actual experiences.

lightcourier commented on brooding eyes...


very poignant! The valhallic odyssey of the heart! Nice work. Thanks!

ELRey commented on brooding eyes...


So dark and pure and longing. Your gift is simplicity The rythem catures the spirit. Well done my darling I hope you find your one.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Apples 1
This is a love story 2
Gone I go now~ 1
Kisses~ 1
Beyond~ 0
Tears~ 2
Beyond what you see 0
Deeper waters 1
Rambles 0
The mountains are calling ~ 1
She sang~ 0
tic toc 0
Uncut chains 0
Love holds me.... 2
My Garden 1
kick 1
Repentance 0
emotional abuse 8
untitled 0
Journey 8
Yet 6
Another fight 9
Vanities Crime 9
Lost innocence 5
loves, holy, fire. 12
Baptism 19
The hands of faith 7
behind these tears 5
A bit of blarney 10
A daughters grief 6
echoes of goodbye 7
Heartaches cry 6
To love myself at last 8
Set free 3
Unfit love 5
A feather fell from heaven 4
Goodbye 105
on the wings of a dove 1
Drifting 5
The kiss 5
Flawless wings 4
night come softly 1
forest song 2
mystery's plan 6
Young lovers 10
Black Roses 9
Expectant heart 5
His Face 1
Her need. 2
Majesty in Flight. 7
On my knees 6
My gift 6
In moments like that. 2
Wilted flower 6
Two shades of gray. 2
In His foot steps. 3
Under his wings 3
One single rose.. 9
A symphony of praise 3
brooding eyes... 4
Little raggamuffin 13
broken bird 7