emotional abuse


emotional abuse

I'm an artist painting a picture
of how I want my life to be.

 With hues of green and blue
the picture is peaceful.

Suddenly darkness
comes down.

with a black crayon he scribbles
over my picture.

and so I pick up my brush
and dip it in the pretty colors
and paint over the black crayon.

Again he returns and scribbles
over my picture.

This happens over and over
till I suddenly realize
I'm out of paint.

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Tony5880 commented on emotional abuse


truely heartfelt what darness lie within. I can relate to thet state of mind. there are days full of colors and then they arerased with negative actions

Viper89 commented on emotional abuse


Wow truly deep and insightful poem! Great Job!!! You should check out some of mine!

orangepony commented on emotional abuse


Hello This has it home to me, yes its true we do have choices in our lives that we can make, hoply we are making choices for a better life, but, words are somtime easier said than done, there are times when you come to dead end road, like for example when that that who is abusing just wont stop, His life is filled of controling you in every way, if you dont belive me well i was surprice when there was a bullentin board of list of female woman who have died trying to free there lifes of an abuser, seen at entrance way at a kiser medical group in Tracy, ca, I was fornatly one of the lucky ones who were to get away but remember, we want to belive that the laws will help, when truth of it all it, its what we ourself can do alone that makes the diffrence if we survive are not, Thank you for sharing Orangepony

laydbak1 commented on emotional abuse


We only allow others to hurt us because we refuse to change ourselves... (Feel free to quote me on that...lol) Too often, it is ourselves that places us in the path of emotional terror... Our faith in others is misplaced... Our trust in the goodness of others is without positive precedent... We expect things to be different and change to happen while we do little or nothing to make the change happen... People who've hurt us in the past, have proven themselves already yet, for some unknown reason, we still allow them close enough to us to again, cause pain and grief... The real challenge we face in living happiness is knowing when, and having the courage to step away and stop the bleeding... For, if we don't, at some point, we most certainly will... run out of paint... I enjoyed this short, well conceived piece of work PG... Kudo's from here... Doug

Ronbrandstrom commented on emotional abuse


I feel I know better :( thanks for directing me to your site ! (((((((((((((((((((((((BigRonHugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

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Beyond~ 0
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tic toc 0
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untitled 0
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Lost innocence 5
loves, holy, fire. 12
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behind these tears 5
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His Face 1
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