Majesty in Flight.


Majesty in Flight.

My strength;
renewed like an eagle
flying high above the
clouded skies,
reaching heights unimagined,
screeching out its
warring cries.

As it swoops downwards towards the
earth with precision and with grace,
I can't help but to imagine, myself
in its place.

Majesty in flight,
a rare and beautiful stance,
even as the mate it is an awesome dance.

Twirlling and falling in a whirling embrace,
almost tasting death
just to continue their race.

May I live like the eagle
with strength and with might,
and never be afraid of my own
amazing flight.

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stellar commented on Majesty in Flight.


love the message of this poem, the wordings, analogy and metaphors is perfect

blindmaster commented on Majesty in Flight.


I am afraid of heights myself but this poem is truly majestic. Once I saw the spirit of the american bald eagle with a patch over his left eye, a sign of how I needed to fly so may you soar to heights unimagined

UnworthyFather commented on Majesty in Flight.


I really enjoyed this poem, poetrygal45! I love the superb imagery of the eagle, and the comparison of it to your strength. I also really liked the last stanza. "May I live like the eagle - with strength and with might - and never be afraid of my own - amazing flight". Great lines. Thank you for sharing. 10

castlemist commented on Majesty in Flight.


I really like this one. I've read most of you poetry here and really like your style..nice work poetrygirl. Jerry

wildpendigus commented on Majesty in Flight.


email me if you think you may have aspirations of putting something together, OK? Because I think you have some talent to do what ever you want, but if you just do poetry that's fine also.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Apples 1
This is a love story 2
Gone I go now~ 1
Kisses~ 1
Beyond~ 0
Tears~ 2
Beyond what you see 0
Deeper waters 1
Rambles 0
The mountains are calling ~ 1
She sang~ 0
tic toc 0
Uncut chains 0
Love holds me.... 2
My Garden 1
kick 1
Repentance 0
emotional abuse 8
untitled 0
Journey 8
Yet 6
Another fight 9
Vanities Crime 9
Lost innocence 5
loves, holy, fire. 12
Baptism 19
The hands of faith 7
behind these tears 5
A bit of blarney 10
A daughters grief 6
echoes of goodbye 7
Heartaches cry 6
To love myself at last 8
Set free 3
Unfit love 5
A feather fell from heaven 4
Goodbye 105
on the wings of a dove 1
Drifting 5
The kiss 5
Flawless wings 4
night come softly 1
forest song 2
mystery's plan 6
Young lovers 10
Black Roses 9
Expectant heart 5
His Face 1
Her need. 2
Majesty in Flight. 7
On my knees 6
My gift 6
In moments like that. 2
Wilted flower 6
Two shades of gray. 2
In His foot steps. 3
Under his wings 3
One single rose.. 9
A symphony of praise 3
brooding eyes... 4
Little raggamuffin 13
broken bird 7