The hands of faith


  • Love
  • ,
  • Passion
  • ,
  • Truth

    The hands of faith

    A calming breeze fell lightly agaisnt me
    as I left my soul in the hands of faith,
    now I sit in hope once more
    my light has found it's place.

    No more drifting in a sea of unknowing
    no more wondering is left inside,
    now I see the plan unfolding
    in his heart my love does hide.


    Keep it there safe and warm
    and feel it dance about,
    for there is magic brewing
    no need for fear and doubt.

    Love is all consuming
    it burns like fire's rain,
    Trust in its unrelenting hope
    as my love for you remains.

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    miwall513 commented on The hands of faith


    I get lost in your words you are so deep never ever stop writing

    slohan4u commented on The hands of faith


    great poem. would make a great song.thanks..............................................

    StandingBear commented on The hands of faith


    In a time when love is here and gone in the blink of an eye, your love is as an ancient rock formation .. standing against time. Great write.

    laydbak1 commented on The hands of faith


    Sometimes we very delicately stalk the love of another using nothing more than faith and hope as the consummating instruments... And, it's pretty amazing, it actually works a lot of the time... A good write....



    you got it.

    randomthoughts commented on The hands of faith


    (: ************************************************************* :)

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    poetrygal45’s Poems (62)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Apples 1
    This is a love story 2
    Gone I go now~ 1
    Kisses~ 1
    Beyond~ 0
    Tears~ 2
    Beyond what you see 0
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    emotional abuse 8
    untitled 0
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    A daughters grief 6
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    To love myself at last 8
    Set free 3
    Unfit love 5
    A feather fell from heaven 4
    Goodbye 105
    on the wings of a dove 1
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    The kiss 5
    Flawless wings 4
    night come softly 1
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    Young lovers 10
    Black Roses 9
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    His Face 1
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    Majesty in Flight. 7
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    My gift 6
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