The Troll (part 2)


The Troll (part 2)

Before my eyes stood a hideous Troll

In all its Hellish infamy

Yellow eyes glaring with rancor in its heart

Massive arms rippling with barely contained fury

It continued to rise forth

From a shimmering portal of ominous darkness


This was definitely not the Fairy Tale Troll

My parents read to me as a child

No, this was a Netherworld creation of evil


With gluttonous hunger the Troll advanced

Sure that I would be the greatest victory of its immortal life

Preparing for the eminent feast before it

The Troll opened its maw

Showing yellowed needle sharp teeth


I cowered in fear

As the shadow of this Hellish beast

Slowly blocked out the light

Leaving terror in its absence.






©2009 (All Rights Reserved)

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soulwriter commented on The Troll (part 2)


Hmmm won't find this troll under any bridge - can't reason with this beast... okay you have me cowering along with you!

bandit1192 commented on The Troll (part 2)


OK, Can you let me know how it ends? You have me hooked. With Gluttonous hunger the Troll advanced------- Love it. TS



I just posted part 3.. thank you so much for your support.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

beautifuldeath’s Poems (45)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A.P.B 3
Obsessive Cruelty 4
Fiendish Night 4
Trying To Hold On 4
Dark Inspiration 14
The Troll (final...) 7
The Troll (part 3) 3
The Troll (part 2) 2
The Troll (part 1) 5
Vividly Dark 17
Mistress of the Dark 7
If I could not be there 11
Sanguine Kiss 5
Crescendo 7
Fallen 8
Death's Kiss 11
Stained 9
Dream Phantom 14
Gossamer Heart 8
Shadow Kissed 16
Ravenous 9
Hypnotized by Darkness 42
Unwilling 10
Dementia Defined 9
Forever Never 10
Birthday Kite 7
Little Girl Lost 9
Obsidian Butterfly 12
The Storm 4
Vampire's Smile 11
Dark Heart 7
Beautiful Death 9
Done 7
Human 12
Black Despondency 7
Never Try 4
Addicted 9
Repentant Regret 10
That Moment 3
Death's Interrogation 10
Buried Within 23
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