Seasonal Shift


  • Nature
  • ,
  • Life

    Seasonal Shift

    tiny flowers push through the soil
    eager to feel the warm sun
    bumble bees float and bob
    drunk on sweet nectar
    leaves begin to dress the trees 
    in shades of emerald and jade
    birds return home
    bringing songs from afar
    and the earth is born again

    heat lays itself heavily down
    humidity a blanket
    the sun's visits last longer
    witnessing the contented, lazy days
    the lakes are full of visitors
    swimming and splashing
    fresh lemonade entices
    refreshing, relieving the crowd
    and the earth enjoys its life

    the harvest moon sees all
    rich colors in abundance
    vivid reds, rusty oranges, bold yellows
    decorate first the trees
    then soon the ground
    crisp breezes encourage jackets
    woodland creatures scurry about
    preparing for yet another change
    and the earth is in its twilight

    freezing air gives body to breath 
    a curtain of white over every window
    the moon has taken over additional hours
    witnessing the hush
    the trees offer stark relief
    against the snow
    the chill has driven all creatures
    deep into their burrows
    and the earth waits to be reborn again


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    MindNumbing commented on Seasonal Shift


    I love this, Simone! You've captured all my favorite things about each of the earth's seasons in one well thought-out, beautifully arranged piece of poetry... Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem!



    I am so glad you enjoyed it! It was a peaceful experience to put this one together. I'm glad to hear it accomplished what I set out for!

    FranzJ commented on Seasonal Shift


    nature amd the seasons - next to love, the best things to write about



    Agreed! ;) Thanks, Franz!

    SavVySam commented on Seasonal Shift


    Dazzling descriptions painting the shift in Season as well as mood...Lovely work!



    Thank you so much for the kind words!

    earthly commented on Seasonal Shift


    I love this piece! How you sing the praises of nature, Earth, and the wonderous changes of seasons-namaste...Earthly



    Thank you so much or the kind words!

    StandingBear commented on Seasonal Shift


    A beautifully, written jeweled work expressing season's characteristics. Great write!



    Thank you for the kind review!

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    simoneaugustus’s Poems (69)

    Title Comments
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    Recipe For Making a Wish 6
    Who's Calling, Please? 3
    Neck Tied 5
    A Good Man, Regardless 3
    Courage Can Take Many Forms 7
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    Toppled Throne of Peace 11
    My New Path 5
    Dreams For Sale (compilation of series) 9
    Winter Bides Her Time 47
    Outpatient (Triolet, Balladeer's class) 5
    Appointment 7
    Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (poem 4, Balladeer’s quatern) 6
    Just a Dream 8
    Neglect 8
    Dancing Gypsy 7
    Inspiration (Haiku) 4
    Seasonal Shift 5
    Listen Closely 10
    Burning Desire 8
    Misbehaving 14
    1,000 Words 10
    Jack and Jill 6
    Triumph 2
    Childhood to Adulthood 3
    New Kind of Love 4
    Future 4
    Unhealthy Love 3
    ‘Tis Better to Give Than to Receive 2
    Daughter Dear 7
    Never Again 3
    tic Cruelty
    Whispered Promise 2
    After All 7
    Nature's Office 6
    My Very Own Disease 10
    Collection of Haiku 3
    The Rise of Hope 4
    Glimpse of Frustration 1
    Decisions, Decisions 2
    Local Dive 2
    Dare to Control Me 2
    Surrender 2
    My Strength 2
    Rediscovered Love at a Diner 2
    My Addiction 3
    Emotional State 1
    Divulging Secrets 1
    Unwed Mother 2
    Marvelous Sensations 2
    Woman Child 1
    Grace LeeAnn 1
    Left Field 2
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    Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad 'D'? 1
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