School is a Business


  • Humor

    School is a Business

    You pay to come, you pay to leave, you pay to learn, you pay to succeed.
    Then when you graduate you discover that you need more training and you have to come back another year.
    Tuition hikes every year or whenever the powers that be feel like raising them.
    Technology fees on the rise, but when you need a computer the lab has a class or is full.
    The prices of books maky you cry, then want to quit, and then you get jipped on the buy back at the college book store.
    They give you chump change and make a profit selling used books to the next sucker in line for a piece of the American dream, they tell you is so easy to achieve.
    I declare school is a business.

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    optimistic commented on School is a Business


    True I continue to educate my mind and pluse go to school yet after educating my own mind I see money is a high price to pay to get paid so little.



    thank you for understanding the frustration and thank you for reading and responding to my poem.

    WordSlinger commented on School is a Business


    lol that's why I quit, and went to the library, Ben Franklin gave it to use free, hands on training, a learn as you go program.



    Thanks for reading my poem and thanks for the love.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    smoothdame’s Poems (29)

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    School is a Business 2
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