Wolf's Wrath


  • Anger

    Wolf's Wrath

    Willful persecution,
    angered by rejection;
    fuel the flames
    and allow the fire
    to burn away your sins;
    ignite your sins.
    Foolish little child
    never doubt in this,
    you will find
    resolution lies in grief,
    pain filled and confused mind,
    suffer for all time.
    Errant and ignorant
    to all before you lies
    and when the truth
    shall become unveiled
    time will be your guide.
    Walk the path
    you placed before you,
    suffer fate's wrath.
    Remember this
    all souls must pay
    and pay you must,
    Your choices
    may come back to haunt you,
    the evil that you relayed.
    May you find forgiveness
    from which the bed you made.
    And when you lie down at night
    and think of what might have been
    may the darkness
    in which you sleep
    bring nightmares to you bed.
    Nightmares to envelope your soul
    and steal away your breath.
    Death will seek
    to deceive you
    and drag from you
    any semblance of peace;
    damn your soul
    for eternity.

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    WingedWolf commented on Wolf's Wrath


    I can feel the aggression creeping into the snarl of your words. power coursing towards the ignorant. excellent work. Arrrooo!

    Musicmynded1 commented on Wolf's Wrath


    Very well, shapely and orderly. On my face I fall, yet again, thanks to another friend:)

    freemansvoice commented on Wolf's Wrath


    I haven't been to church in a while, but I've heard this sermon, behind a pair of beedy eyes looking through coke bottle bottom glasses, staring down a long crooked nose, following the aim of a thin twisted finger pointing at me. I know judgement day is approaching. We may all need to shake out our mattresses so we don't have to lay in what we have acquired in our miss spent youth. Like the poem

    purdylox commented on Wolf's Wrath


    good poem I felt it started stronger than it ended.

    DeepEclipse commented on Wolf's Wrath


    Damn. I see hints of spiritual guidance/wisdom mixed with disciplinary animosity. Like a finger pointing to the face, letting reality be known beyond the candy coating. So when the deed is done, there will be no "I never knew". There will be no "I didn't know". It lets one face their fate as a true warrior. Knowing full well the deed and the compensation. No excuses.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    bluewolf’s Poems (82)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Life Is Never Over 0
    I Will Walk Alone 0
    Sweet Dreams 0
    Fear Without Love 0
    My Judgement for You 1
    Remembering You 1
    Winter Blues 2
    Wolf's Wrath 5
    Reality's Seed 2
    Here Lies My Soul 5
    Winter Fairyland 1
    Fate's Design 2
    Sweet Remembrance 3
    Insanity 3
    The Remnants of War 3
    This My Heart Seeks 3
    Anger's Wraith 2
    Innuendo 2
    Inadequate 2
    Warrior's Pride 3
    Of This Dream 8
    Nature's Dance 4
    Christmas Time 2
    In Beauty We Keep 3
    This Wish 4
    Reflections 5
    Innocence 4
    Fate Be My Own 5
    The Wondering Minstrel of Old 2
    Perseverance 4
    In My Death I At Last Found Peace 2
    Forgiveness 3
    And So We Dream 5
    Fleeting Breath of Life 4
    Analytical 3
    Love's Ignorant Companion 5
    Stepping Into Life 2
    Spirit of the Wolf 7
    Contemplation 4
    Winter Storm 6
    Unsubstantial 6
    If Heaven Be A Rose 2
    Phantom of the Opera 3
    Misbegotten Greed 3
    Angelic Cherub 4
    A Victim's Rage 6
    A Mighty Foe 2
    In This Dream I Wonder 6
    Within This Night 5
    Death and Fate 4
    John 14:27 4
    Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka 5
    Beneath These Still Blue Waters 10
    Dare To Dream 6
    An Angelic Gift 1
    Passion 5
    In This I Believe; Come to Me My Faith 3
    You Bring Me Peace 1
    Notoriety 4
    My Immortal Death 10
    Blue Moon Song 6
    Brother Wolf, My Spirt Soars 1
    Break Me Free Brother Wind 3
    Wolf Song 4
    My Suicide 9
    Never Look Back 1
    This My Will 5
    I Will Be Strong 3
    Suffer Thee Not 2
    Poetic Imortality 8
    And They Marched Us Away 1
    Werewolf 2
    The Night 1
    The Rhythem of Life 1
    R.I.P MJ 2
    A Fool 1
    Join Me in the Darkness 3
    God's Mime 3
    It Will Take You Far 1
    Lucian 3
    Hell Bound 1
    Wolf Pack's Hunt 6